Flag Art

Hispanic Heritage Month has een celebrated in the U.S. since 1968. Hispanic Heritage Week was formed by President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1989 to cover 30 days. Since 1989, Americans have observed Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15 to celebrate the contributions of American citizens whose…

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month kicks off Friday September 15 to October 15. The 30-day period includes many dates of importance in the Hispanic community: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua celebrate their anniversary of independence on September 15, Mexico commemorates its independence onĀ September 16. Chile celebrates its independence onĀ  September 18, leading up to…

Beach Days

Have your students draw a snapshot of their summer. Ease into the school year with this fun approach to depicting summer memories and the carefree days of summer. Summer gesture drawing#summer haze#back-to-school art!

Character Letters

The letters in your initials can say a lot about your character. My initials EH mean “Express Hope.” When I look at how I express myself, I realize I express ,your inner child, Favorite things that express these things; for an artist (paintbrush pencil, television, and a walk in my sneakers! Fun#Back -to School#Character Letters#

Name Tags

Students can use their inner personality to express themselves by designing colorful name tags in block or bubble lettering. Let your inner personality show by illustrating things you enjoy in the background. Back-to-school#Name Tags#Express yourself#get to know you!

Over and Under

As students get ready to embark on their next big adventure – Kindergarten – learning key vocabulary like over and under is crucial in the beginnings of literacy and spatial awareness. Which airplane is flying over the clouds? Which one is under? What is under the sea? Young students will learn what the positions over…

Celebrate Black Leaders

With black history month right around the corner, help students research great black leaders and create beautiful leader portraits. Now is the right time to kick off black history months by recreating the portraits of great leaders. Martin Luther King Jr., President Obama, Vice-President Harris, Jackie Robinson, Harriet Tubman, Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, Diana Ross,…

Changing Color

Corn is changing color as we turn from fall into Winter. This Thanksgiving we give thanks for plenty, corn, changing Autumn colors. What better way to illustrate changing color colors and watercolor than by trying this fun fall art activitity. Watercolor#corn#changing color!

Beauty and the Beast – Orlando Shakes Style

Orlando Shakespeare Theater has put on an interesting new play version of the classic Disney musical. Unlike in the Disney version, there is a spoiled sister, an inventor father, some enchanted spells and no Mrs. Potts, Chip, Gaston, or any other classic characters. This time love is the reason why The Beast is transformed, and…

O for Octopus

The octopus is one of the endearing sea creatures that students love to learn about. The octopus is foreign to children and an enduring symbol of the sea creatures that lurk beneath the ocean’s surface. When exploring literacy take a look at the numerous children’s picture books that are inspired by the octopus. Letter O#drawing…

Color Wheel

The color wheel is one of the most basic lessons that can be taught but also one of the most interesting. Students learn to mix colors, one of the most important and primary lessons that can be taught. Color Wheel#first weeks#art#color mixing!